Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday Morning Sadness

I had to make a tough decision and it really wiped me. I’m selling my beloved Cadillac. She was born in 1965 a child of the days on gone. She’s long and lean cruising machine. Her miles are low, her infectious spirit is high but her glory days seem a thing of the past. She deserves someone who can restore her to her former beauty with pride and give her some dignity. Things which I cannot afford to do for her. Automotive plastic surgeons are beyond my budget control.

She has a truck large enough to hold six comfortable, seven if your crammed. This was learned at the local drive in—when there was one. She’s been the transportation of teenage hormones on their way to formals. She’s been a joy to cruise along the black top river with. She’s a true lady of breeding.

Though it’s with sadness I have to say goodbye I know that she’s going on to a better place. Soon she’ll be gone, but never forgotten.


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