Monday, December 01, 2008

Nightmare Before Christmas

Okay, I know I avoid hot button topics like politics as a general rule but I have to comment. Talk about a union made in some hellish nightmare! It was bad enough we got Obama as for president (His socialistic view, his dishonesty, his lack of support for our military, his approval of abortion, his insistence on gun control)but now he's taken a murderess and liar as the secretary of state! The best decision our future president could have made was asking Ms. Rice to remain but instead he chooses to surround himself with dishonest politicians. Maybe that's why he didn't ask Ms. Rice, He couldn't tolerate someone pointing out his many faults!

I'm still reeling from the fact he was elected in the first place. I wonder how many voted for him strictly for his race? "Let's make history and have a black man for president." You want a person of color for president? We should have insisted on Condeleeza Rice or Colin Powell. While he wouldn't be my first choice I honestly believe he would have been a good president. He honestly loves this country, he wouldn't try to make a socialistic nation. Both Ms. Rice and Gen. Powell would have supported our troops and helped put our nation back on the right path. God help us all in the next four years we'll be living in hell.

I just read an article that says it all. This article was written by Tod Adkins. This is not quoted in its entirety due to some of what I call prejudice wording DC):
By Tom Adkins

Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I’m virtually euphoric. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not thrilled with America’s flirtation with neo socialism But there’s a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barak Obama to the Presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America: The Era of White Guilt is over.
This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn’t give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career, praying in a racist church for 20 years (Does he have a low opinion of himself because, after all, he is half white! He must truly hate the white half of his heritage if he condones Mr. Wrights "Kill all white men and if God doesn't agree kill Him and get a new God" Obviously these men have never read the Bible!) and actively worked with America-hating domestic terrorists. Wow! Some resume! Yet they made Barak Obama their leader. Therefore, as of Nov 4th, 2008, white guilt is dead.
For over a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 60s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution. But if a black man can become President, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barak Obama absolutely destroys the entire validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.
So today, I’m feeling a little “uppity,” if you will. From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is now exactly ZERO. And it’s time to clean house. No more Reverend Wright’s “God Damn America,” Al Sharpton’s Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson’s rainbow racism. Cornell West? You’re a fraud. Go home. All those “black studies” programs that taught kids to hate whitey? (Get rid of them)
Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. Maxine Waters? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. Go ahead. I’m waiting.
Gangsta rappers? Start praising America! Begin with the Pledge of Allegiance.. (This applies to all Americans! Schools should be teaching kids the pledge and SAYING IT EVERY DAY!!!) And please…no more ebonics. Speak English, and who knows where you might end up. Oh, yeah…pull up your pants. Your underwear is showing. You look stupid. (This applies to ALL kids who wear their pants sagging to the knees DC)
To those Eurosnots who forged entire careers hating America? I’m still waiting for the first black French President.
And let me offer an equal opportunity whupping. I’ve always despised lazy white people.
So when you complain “Da Man is keepin’ me down,” allow me to inform you: Da Man is now black. You have no excuses.
No more quotas. No more handouts. (I wish there would be a harsher investigation for welfare. It's only supposed to be a SHORT TERM solution! I know people who need it and they aren't getting it because there is a limited supply of funds. White, black, red or green, get off your butts and get jobs. STOP draining the system!) No more stealing my money because someone’s great-great-great-great grandparents suffered actual pain and misery (and many horribly, horribly abused. BUT you want to talk oppression, lets discuss teh abuse and horrible, nightmarish treatment of Indians! As recent as the 1970s they were still being discriminatged against, abused and mistreated. Who stands up for them?!?!)at the hands of people I have no relation to.
It’s time to toss that massive, obsolete race-hustle machine upon the heap of the other stupid 60s ideas. Drag it over there, by wife swapping, next to dope-smoking. Plenty of room right between free love and cop-killing. Careful…don’t trip on streaking. There ya go, don’t be gentle. Just dump it. Wash your hands. It’s filthy.
In fact, Obama’s ascension created a gargantuan irony. How can you sell class envy and American unfairness when you and your wife went to Ivy League schools, got high-paying jobs, became millionaires, bought a mansion, and got elected President? How unfair is that? Now, Like a delicious O'Henry tale, Obama’s spread-the-wealth campaign rendered itself moot by it's own victory! America is officially a meritocracy. Obama’s election has validated American conservatism!
So, listen carefully…Wham!!
That’s the sound of my foot kicking the door shut on the era of white guilt. The rites have been muttered, the carcass lowered, dirt shoveled, and tombstone erected. White guilt is dead and buried.
However, despite my glee, there’s apparently one small, rabid bastion of American racism remaining. Black Americans voted 96% for Barak Obama. Hmmm. In a color-blind world, shouldn’t that be 50-50? Tonight, every black person should ask forgiveness for their apparent racism and prejudice towards white people. Maybe it’s time to start spreading the guilt around.

***All bold accents are by me. All comments made in parenthesis are aslo by me. DC***

This has been Donica's personal view point. All comments will be monitored closely. Any profane or hate filled posts will be deleted. Freedom of speech is one thing, hate is another.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...