Monday, December 08, 2008

The time will soon be here!

I'm counting the days and I'm anxiously waiting. All this excitement for Christmas? What a BORE! No! This build up of anticipation is for my upcoming trip to the local Barnes and Noble store. Come January 10 I'll be arriving at 2 pm and visiting with folks until the store kicks me out about 4. I hope you will all come if you can!
I'm also still floating on the ceiling with the announcement that Dragon's Angel is Champagne Books #1 Best Seller for the month of November. I'm just so stoked that things seem to be going so well for this book.
I've got to run but I'll be back soon to catch you up on some fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will I be able to have my already purchased books for the book signinhg? Or will I still be waiting? Luv Ya!