Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it...

REM’s great song just seems to fit modern ages. Look at your life. Hasn’t the world you knew, you grew up in, all but disappeared?

Remember when you could go outside and run around with your friends and you could be gone all day long without having to worry about anything? Yep, those days are gone.

Remember when you could drive down the road and be exasperated by some fool in the car next to you and while you knew they might salute you, you didn’t have worry if they had a gun in their lap?

Remember when the words pedophile, cancer, sociopath, methadone, aids, were all words you heard but you didn’t know what they were?

Remember when you and your friends could go cruising on a Saturday night to hook up with some hottie and hang at the local burger stand?

Remember when you could sit down as a family and watch good quality television—even if you didn’t want to—and know that what you watched wouldn’t have anything to do with human anatomy, crude behavior, drugs, drinking or who killed who?

Remember those things and then look around you. How many times can you turn on the television and not have to worry about your kids walking through the room? I can count on one hand the times I haven’t worried—and my daughter’s almost 17!

I know this has been going on for a while now. Look at how long CSIs, Law and Orders, or other programs along those lines have lasted. Yes, I do enjoy them—however I think the time slots are a little off.

And honestly, family time television? Forget it! You have the choice of watching reality TV, violent TV, or comedies that are more deserving of an R rating than the prime family time.

Yes I’m tired of it. I want to this world a better place. The way things are going my little Alyx will grow up confined in a small room in the middle of the house so that she can be protected from the insanity and nonsense.

Is it just me or have you noticed it? If I’m wrong or wearing blinders tell me…

1 comment:

Betty J in OKC said...

Yeah, life's changed alot since we were kids. Remember riding bicycles for HOURS safely on the road in front of our houses???? The way the world's changed is one of the reasons I don't have human kids.

With my 6 cats, I don't need to worry about their clothes, friends, or college funds. LOL!